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The film biaxial tensile tester can make the thickness less than 0.2-2mm, with a minimum of 95 × 95mm can be used as the thick film sample of biaxial tensile film material. According to the required tensile ratio, the film forming tensile test is carried out at the appropriate temperature and time for the laboratory to carry out physical and chemical test and analysis, and a wide variety of additives and formulas are re determined according to the performance of the sample film. Then applied to the production line, the trial production cost can be greatly reduced. Any crystalline and amorphous polymer that can be used for biaxial stretching can be made into thick sheets, which can be statically stretched on this machine, such as PP, PE, pet, ppvdf, etc., which can be used in new product R & D and formula optimization; Biaxial tensile properties of polymer sheets and films; Process evaluation, etc


l Prepare Biaxially oriented film samples for properties test and optimization of formulations.

l Evaluate the biaxial orientation capability of new materials and films in lab-scale.

l Biaxial tensile properties of polymer film.

l Investigate biaxial orientation temperatures, ratios, speeds for production scale up.



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